Hambini Bicycle Supplier Discount Codes [100% VERIFIED]

9 Velo, ICAN, Winspace, Farsports, 9Velo, Elitewheels Discount codes, 100% Verified

I’m always on the hunt for products that are actually worth your time (and money), so I’ve put together a list of discount codes from companies I’ve personally dealt with and trust. These aren’t just any random deals—I’ve tried, tested, and vetted these products, and they’ve passed the quality check.

I’m not here to push anything I wouldn’t use myself, so rest assured that every code you find here is for something I genuinely like. No junk, no gimmicks—just discounts on stuff that’s actually good. If it’s listed, it’s worth it.

SupplierDiscount CodeDiscountComment
9 Velo9velo-hambini1010%
Elite WheelsHAMBINI1515%
100% VERIFIED Supplier Discount Codes

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  1. Thank you Hambini – i’ve been binging your video content, excellent information. I’m want to build up a nice light and fast bike and struggling with WinSpace Agile vs Tavelo Attack. I currently ride a ‘S’ Canyon Ultimate CFR but want a little more aero. I plan to build with 40mm wheelset too. Who would you recommend? Winspace vs Tavelo…and…is Seka even a part of the conversation? Thank you.

  2. Dear Hambini,
    do you think that the wheels normal customers get from these brands are the same quality you get for your reviews? I’m really thinking about buying a pair of 9velo’s and ship to germany. What makes me reconsider is that if they’re not 100% as expected, I would never go through the hassle of a returning or warranty process with all of the taxes, shipping and stuff.
    What do you think?
    Kind regards

    1. In the case of 9Velo, I would say the wheels you get and the wheels I receive are the same. I took a random set from them and they were of very good quality. You also don’t hear much negative press about them – there are quite a lot of people who have them on various internet forums and very few complaints. Their hubs are of very good quality so I would have little hesitation in recommending them – these days there is little difference between wheels of the same depth.